Last Sunday 19th of June saw our first real Corpus Christi procession in Ramsgate since the Covid lockdown
Frs Simon Heans(Chaplain to the Shrine) Fr Thomas Crean OP, Fr Joseph Owusu Ansah, Fr Joseph Edattu, Fr Jose Palliyil and Fr Bernard McNally were escorting the Blessed Sacrament led by our 12 First Holy Communicants.
We started in the Shrine of St Augustine admirably MC’d by James Windsor of St Bede’s Clapham Park as Hugo Robinson was still at University. First Benediction at High Altar, second Benediction at the Sacred Heart Altar -then after going out on the road we crossed it and proceeded up the driveway to the gardens of the Divine Retreat Centre(formerly St Augustine’s Abbey.) There on an outside Altar we had the final Benediction. Afterwards Fr Heans distributed the Certificates to the children as well as gifts to Julie Rydz and Trish Smalley who have worked so hard to prepare the children. Thanks to Ben Scott and singers for beautiful liturgical music and thanks to Divine Retreat Centre who planned it all and provided refreshments. Finally congratulations to Fr Bernard McNally who
in the week had marked his Golden Jubilee of Priestly Ordination
Thanks to All!
Fr Chris